On Thursday 28 February 2008 14:46:12 gorkhe wrote:
> I wanted to install Xen on 32bit processor with 8GB RAM. I am running
> Debian on it.
> The general Kernel can only address ~4GB of RAM. So, Is it necessary to
> install BigMEM kernel so that all the memory get addressed? And then
> install xen kernel.
Yes the kernel has three steps of memory limit, ~900MB, 4GB and 64GB, the last
only with PAE on. You need to turn this mode on in the kernel on "Processors
Type and Features" -> "High Memory Support". Don't forget to compile Xen with
PAE, if you have issues with this put XEN_TARGET_X86_PAE=y in the make.
> Or ?? Suggestions welcome.
> Thanks,
> gorkhe
Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
Trenix - IT Solutions
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