Re: [Xen-users] Problem installing CentOS DomU.
Hi Sadique,
Thank you for that. Any indication on when upstream will be releasing 5.2 ?
--[ UxBoD ]--
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----- "Sadique Puthen" <sputhenp@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
--[ UxBoD ]-- wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running a 64bit Dom0 on CentOS 5.1 and use the stock YUM packages. All
> my DomUs are 32 bit and they do crash quite often. The suggestion I received
> from here was either wait till CentOS 5.2 comes out with 3.2 included, or
> compile from source.
Yes, this is true. RHEL/Cento 5.1 has only basic support for running
32bit pv on 64 bit dom0. It has stability and reliability issue which is
going to be fixed in RHEL-5.2. BTW, RHEl5.2 is not going to include
xen-3.2. But just fixes for the above issue.
> I have compiled that source and that was fine, but I am worried about
> installing over the top of the distro packages.
> Regards,
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