RE : RE: [Xen-users] NT4 in a DomU
Sorry but i want a nt4 under xen server...
For the moment, here my progress:
I install NT4 server on a vmware workstation vm, i
apply sp6 etc... (because the nt4 install crash
everytime even with F5 key)
I replace hal.dll by the hal downloaded on a virtual
server site. I will post the url later (i'm at home
I convert my nt4.vmk in a raw file with qemu-convert.
On my debian/xen I deploy my nt4.img in my lvm
cat nt4.img|dd (something) /dev/..../nt4LVM bs=5M
I launch my nt4 vm:
I start NT4 in vga mode and I change the video driver.
I reboot in normal mode... and nt4 is angry with video
Now I can't find the good video driver for my nt4 vm!
NB: I send the details in 2 days.
--- Joris Dobbelsteen <Joris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> a
écrit :
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >[mailto:xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
> Behalf Of
> >Pascal BASTIEN
> >Sent: Wednesday, 13 February 2008 15:34
> >To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: [Xen-users] NT4 in a DomU
> >
> >Hi,
> >I use Xen 3.0.3-1 on a Debian Etch with LVM to
> store my DomUs.
> >I already exploit a Windows 2000 in a DomU but I
> can't install
> >a windows NT4 Server:
> >I have a death of Blue Screen during the
> installation begining.
> >Did someone test that scary NT4 DomU with success?
> >I think NT4 need a disk driver but wich one? and
> how can I give it one?
> I would go the VMWare route for that.
> Xen is only quite recently developed and the focus
> is on Windows
> 2000/XP/2003 and beyond. Personally I would even
> believe Windows 2000
> support to be quite less than any recent Windows
> versions. For Windows
> NT 4 I would not want to bet whether it works.
> >My last solution to test is:
> > to convert a NT4 vmware VM in a qemu img but how
> can I inject
> >my img in a lvm partition?
> >Thxs for ur help.
> The following worked for my Vmware server
> 1.0.something.
> Ensure you virtual disk is a flat/prelocated one and
> not split in 2GB
> pieces, so you get two files:
> X.vmdk
> X-flat.vmdk
> You can use the "vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -t 2" to
> convert the image if
> desired.
> Now the x-flat.vmdk file can simply be used as the
> virtual disk (you can
> also copy it to a real disk (partition) if you
> like. This is what
> worked for me without any trouble...
> - Joris
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