Re: [Xen-users] intermittent domU network problems
i also had troubles with networking in xen. These problems disappeared after i disabled TX cheksums on the virtual domain:
ethtool -K eth0 tx off
you can also do it in the network init script:
http://www.shorewall.net/XenMyWay.html -> look under "caution"
Greetings, sven
On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 5:12 PM, JimBow < jimbow@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
have a strange and recurring network problem with a domU host.
Setup: Debian etch is running in domU on Debian etch dom0, xen 3.0.2
The xen network is configured in a bridged mode and there are no
firewalls on any of xen domains.
Every now and again the domU host losses its connection to the
Ethernet network. By loses I mean all network connectivity ceases -
from arp to anything else I pass down the NIC. This leaves the host
effectively useless as a server.
This event does not leave any traces in the logs on the domU or dom0
hosts and happens at seemingly irregular intervals. SNMP graphs dont
show anything unusual either.
Running the Debian network init script doesn't fix the problem, the
only way to fix it is by restarting the domU host.
Im not sure if this is even a xen issue, but perhaps someone here
can recognise this or have anything to suggest?
Thanks for reading and any tips.
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