Re: [Xen-users] Xen 3.1 / Xen 3.2 + DRBD 8.2.4
Serge Dewailly schrieb:
Hi all !
Is anyone using xen kernel + drbd 8.2.4 ?
I don't know exactly if my problems come from the addition of the two
packages, or from drbd 8.2.4, but I encoutered kernel panic 2 times when
trying to do first sync of drbd resources :s
Hello !
I'm using XEN 3.2 and DRBD 8.2.4 on a Cluster of two Single-Socket QuadCore
Systems (Intel 3010 Chipset, MSI Rackmount Server Barebones) and it works fine.
Performance (DRBD on LVM on Software RAID 1 on 2 SATA HDD's) is good, no
problems until now. The 2 node cluster is not productive yet but I tried
heartbeat (V1) failover and even live-migration. Dom0 and the 2 DomU's are
based on Ubuntu Dapper 6.0.6 Server. XEN and kernel + DRBD are "handmade".
Ralf Schenk
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