Re: [Xen-users] Moving to Xen
> CentOS5 has a build of Xen but it is a early 3.01 version. Would I be
> better to install the latest 3.2 ?
CentOS 5.0 included a Xen based on the 3.0.3 release. CentOS 5.1 (which you
get automatically by software updates from 5.0) includes a Xen based on the
3.1 release (the package name is still 3.0.3-something but that's lying -it's
3.1 really ;-).
3.1 isn't quite the latest release but it's a recent one and it's natively
supported by CentOS. I think that's a reasonable one for you to try anyhow.
Are you planning on doing HVM domains or just PV domains or a combination of
> If I try and install libvirt from the
> repo it also pulls in Xen and Xen-libs anyway. Any help from somebody who
> has done this would be appreciated.
Yeah, it's difficult to separate the libvirt / virt-manager stuff from the Xen
stuff. My advice would be to try out the default Xen of CentOS 5.1 and see
if it works OK for you - if it does, then stick with it for the moment.
There are (or will be) CentOS 5 RPMs of Xen 3.2 on the Citrix / XenSource
website but these will not be updated regularly with security and bug fixes,
whereas the real CentOS RPMs will be. The CentOS RPMs will also be better
tested, so I still think they're better to start off with.
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