This message is posted on both the DRBD & Xen mailing lists, sorry for
duplicate ...
I have two test servers (phys1 and phys2) under CentOS 5.0 as said in
subject, I try to use virtual machines with xen using lvm above drbd and
managed between the two hosts by heartbeat. I can only use one network
interface on each host.
* I installed my two Dom0s on each server.
* I create LVM partition with fdisk and configure it for drbd :
global { usage-count no; }
resource vm2 {
protocol C;
handlers { # this values are for testing
pri-on-incon-degr "echo 'DRBD: primary requested but
inconsistent!' | wall; sleep 300000";
pri-lost-after-sb "echo 'DRBD: primary lost after Speed
Brain!' | wall; sleep 300000";
local-io-error "echo 'DRBD: local i/o error!' | wall;
sleep 300000";
startup { wfc-timeout 0; degr-wfc-timeout 120; }
disk {on-io-error detach; }
net { cram-hmac-alg "sha1"; shared-secret "*********";
after-sb-0pri discard-younger-primary;
after-sb-1pri consensus; after-sb-2pri disconnect; }
syncer {rate 10M; }
on phys1 { device /dev/drbd1; disk /dev/sda4; address; meta-disk internal; }
on phys2 { device /dev/drbd1; disk /dev/sda4; address; meta-disk internal; }
* modifyinf /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
filter = [ "r|/dev/sda4|", "a|/dev/drbd1|" ]
* pvcreate /dev/drbd1
* vgcreate VGxen /dev/drbd1
* lvcreate -L 10000 -n vm2 VGxen
* lvchange -a y /dev/VGxen/vm2
* While installing vm2 with virt-manager and while rebooting vm2 I can see
- in messages on phys 1 :
Jan 22 17:02:46 phys1 kernel: drbd3: bio would need to, but cannot, be
split: (vcnt=8,idx=0,size=4096,sector=13113083)
Jan 22 17:02:46 phys1 kernel: drbd3: bio would need to, but cannot, be
split: (vcnt=8,idx=0,size=4096,sector=13113149)
Jan 22 17:02:46 phys1 kernel: drbd3: bio would need to, but cannot, be
split: (vcnt=8,idx=0,size=4096,sector=13113215)
- on console on vm2 :
Buffer I/O error on device xvda2, logical block 0
Buffer I/O error on device xvda2, logical block 1
Buffer I/O error on device xvda2, logical block 2
Buffer I/O error on device xvda2, logical block 3
Buffer I/O error on device xvda2, logical block 4
Buffer I/O error on device xvda2, logical block 5
Buffer I/O error on device xvda2, logical block 6
Buffer I/O error on device xvda2, logical block 7
Buffer I/O error on device xvda2, logical block 8
Buffer I/O error on device xvda2, logical block 9
and after that vm2 boot is ok.
Any idea on what can I do to make it work well ? I read on xen list
that I should replace in /etc/xen/vm2
disk = [ "phy:/dev/mapper/VGxen-vm2,xvda,w" ]
disk = [ "tap:aio:/dev/mapper/VGxen-vm2,xvda,w" ]
what are the consequences ? is there any known problem with drbd or
heartbeat or lvm ?
Thanks for any suggestions.
JUAN Celine
Universite Paul Sabatier
31062 Toulouse Cedex 9
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