Hello !
I yesterday updated one server to XEN 3.2 which was running 3.1.2 before.
The default bridge setup stopped working (Guests network packets were
not forwarded to physical ethernet connection on eth0)
My bridge setup looked like this:
root@quadxeon2:~# brctl show
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
eth0 8000.003048359fc0 no peth0
xenbr0 8000.feffffffffff no vm01
Of course this can not work.
I changed the client vif setup from;
if = ['mac=00:16:3e:12:af:01, bridge=xenbr0, vifname=vm01' ]
if = ['mac=00:16:3e:12:af:01, bridge=eth0, vifname=vm01' ]
root@quadxeon2:~# brctl show
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
eth0 8000.003048359fc0 no peth0
xenbr0 8000.000000000000 no
and now it works again.
Has the default name for the XEN-Bridgee been changed to ethX and is my
change the suggested change to stay up and running ?
Ralf Schenk
fon (02 41) 9 91 21-0
fax (02 41) 9 91 21-59
Databay AG
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Vorstand: Jens Conze, Ralf Schenk, Aresch Yavari
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