Re: [Xen-users] How to virtualize Xen itself?
Allen Fowler wrote:
> */"Fajar A. Nugraha" <fajar@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>/* wrote:
> Razi Khaja wrote:
> >> Is it possible to run a Xen server inside of a
> kqemu/kvm/virtualbox VM?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> Xen inside vmware works.
> Do you know if any of the other above mentioned solutions will work?
Anything that can emulate full x86 machine should work (in the sense
that you can run Xen/Linux and create PV guests). To create HVM guests
(e.g. Windows) AFAIK you need a real machine vith VT/SVM support.
> I'd rather not install VMware server on my main work machine... to
> much potential for day-to-day issues.
> Ideally, I'd like to also stay on the Free side of the fence, if possible.
Vmware player and Vmware server is free to use.
Virtualbox is free to use for individual/evaluation purposes.
Virtualbox OSE is GPL, opensuse 10.3 even include it as part of the
distro (not installed by default).
qemu should work, but probably much slower compared to other alternatives.
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