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Re: [Xen-users] xen 3.1.1 with centos5 (/lib/tls error)

To: Anand Gupta <xen.mails@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] xen 3.1.1 with centos5 (/lib/tls error)
From: Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 11:02:45 +0000
Cc: Xen Users <Xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Anand Gupta wrote:

On 10/28/07, *Nico Kadel-Garcia* <nkadel@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:nkadel@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    Anand Gupta wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I am using xen 3.1.1 on centos5, and getting the below message
    inside domU
    >   ***************************************************************
    >   ***************************************************************
    >   ** WARNING: Currently emulating unsupported memory accesses  **
    >   **          in /lib/tls glibc libraries. The emulation is    **
    >   **          slow. To ensure full performance you should      **
    >   **          install a 'xen-friendly' (nosegneg) version of   **
    >   **          the library, or disable tls support by executing **
    >   **          the following as root:                           **
    >   **          mv /lib/tls /lib/tls.disabled                    **
    >   ** Offending process: modprobe (pid=907)                     **
    >   ***************************************************************
    >   ***************************************************************
    > I have however checked and the /lib/tls is already renamed as
    > /lib/tls.disabled, however the above message pops up on every
    > Is there any other way to get rid of this ?
    > dom0 : Centos 5
    > domU : Centos 5
    > xen 3.1.1 : hand compiled (not using centos5 xen packages)
    > --
    > regards,
    > Anand Gupta
    Well, you could recompile glibc with the TLS support turned off. And
    make sure that your /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ did not get oddnesses done, or
    some LD_* variables don't make things look in /lib/tls.disabled,
    although that seems unlikely.

Hmm... that would be ok as well, however similar situation has never arised with versions prior to centos 5. I have numerous servers running centos 4.5, and none of them have similar problems. Atleast by renaming the tls directory it should stop giving the error.
P.S. : The directory /lib/tls is empty, so it actually shouldn't make 
any difference at all.

Sorry, but it's really not.

In RHEL's published Xen kernels, they drop a little entry in /etc/ld.so.conf.d that keeps ldconfig from loading up /lib/tls with that kernel. Do an "rpm -qlp" kernel-xen-[whatver]" on your old kernels to confirm this.
The directly Xen supplied and compiled kernels do not have this little 
feature, nor do they correctly use "grubby" to update the grub.conf.
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