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Re: [Xen-users] kexec into dom0? my machine can't reboot reliably

To: Mark Williamson <mark.williamson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] kexec into dom0? my machine can't reboot reliably
From: Tomasz Chmielewski <mangoo@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 21:01:56 +0200
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Mark Williamson schrieb:
You'd have to kexec the hypervisor and give it a module of the vmlinuz
file, in the same way that grub does it.  I've no idea if kexec has
that functionality though.
All right, something like that gets me farther:

kexec -l xen-3.1 --module="vmlinuz-2.6.18-xen-uncomp
Obviously, the module entry is wrong.

# kexec -l xen-3.1 --module="vmlinuz-2.6.18-xen netloop.nloopbacks=16
other_params..." --module="initrd-2.6.18-xenU.img" --append="noapic
# kexec -e

Ends with:

(XEN) not enough memory to stash the DOM0 kernel image.
That's strange, given it obviously is capable of rebooting into dom0, given 
your previous errors not finding root.
I think your initrd line may be wrong, by the way - you're specifying a xenU 
initrd, not a xen0 initrd.  Did you mean to do this?
I'm afraid I'm not so familiar with the start of day code, so I'm not sure 
what's going on...  but it does look like it really ought to be possible to 
get things working better!
It indeed works.

The strange "not enough memory" only happens when I give vmlinuz-...-xen and initrd as two separate modules (so, like with grub).
If I integrate initrd in the kernel (building it as initramfs), it boots 
I'll write a more detailed update on this tomorrow.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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