Re: [Xen-users] About the available xen kernel 2.4 patch
jowkju wrote:
Hi, Xen Users!!
I’m trying to do a “manual p2v” with RHEL3.8, which uses
So I need a kernel-2.4 with xen patch, and I found the following three
install.sh kernel-xenU-2.4.21-47.0.1.EL.xs3.2.0.31.i686.rpm
but I can’t install the kernel rpm because of the dependency problem
of “udev”
My platform is based on XenExpress.
Where can I get a xen patched linux kernel-2.4 for RHEL3??
Thank you
Why are you continuing to use RHEL 3? If you don't need it, hop
*directly* to RHEL 4.5 or bettter yet, 5.0, to avoid this problem.
And can't you use up2date to resolve that dependency? Or better yet, use
up2date to set up a local yum repository and install yum from CentOS to
provide some far superior dependency resolution tools to those built
into older RHEL?
RHEL 5 is using yum directly, and has actually thrown out up2date.
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