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[Xen-users] Fastest way to run Windows on Xen non-HVM?

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] Fastest way to run Windows on Xen non-HVM?
From: Adam Seering <aseering@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 19:07:37 -0400
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Hi all,
I have a machine that's fairly nice (== not being upgraded soon), but whose processor is just a bit too old to run HVM. I need a bunch of 32-bit and 64-bit Linux VM's, and I'd really like to be able to run two or three Windows VM's as well, ideally at least one 64-bit.
	AFAIK neither Xen nor VMWare can do this on this machine.  (Pentium  
D 820 -> VMWare won't run 64-bit OS'es, even though it does support  
x86_64.)  I'm wondering if anyone has found any combination of apps  
that can support anything like this.  People have suggested that  
Win4Lin + Xen could theoretically work, but Win4Lin appears to  
basically be kqemu; it even loads a "kqemu" module.  (it also crashes  
fairly quickly if I try to use it to install Win XP.)
	If not: Has anyone looked into taking some of the kqemu code, and  
adding support to Xen for non-paravirtualized OS'es on hardware that  
can't do HVM?  How easy/hard would it be?


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