RE: [Xen-users] help me --suse10 xen installation
> -----Original Message-----
> From: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
> guanboliang
> Sent: 21 June 2007 03:23
> To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Xen-users] help me --suse10 xen installation
> Xen is new for me.
> I want to create a vm on suse10
> The vm to be created is RedHat 4,My probrems are follow:
> 1.how set the config file
> In the xmexample1, kernel="/boot/vmlinuz-xen" ,
> Is this ReHat4's image? or suse10's image? I am confused.
It's impossible to say which kernel this is - aside from guessing that
if you've installed SuSE the "normal way", this kernel is most likely a
SuSE image.
> 2.when i set kernel=" RedHat4's image ", xm create -c
> xmexample1 -----NO when i set kernel=" Suse10's image", xm
> create -c xmexample1 -----OK
> But on the domain1, the result of "uname -r" is Suse10's
> version, i think is RedHat4 's verion.
Not sure what you mean here. Are you saying that the redhat kernel
doesn't work? If it's a "standard" non-xen kernel, then I'd say that's
the expected behaviour. I'm sure you can find a redhat kernel somewhere
that has been xenified - but don't ask me where.
> please ,thanks
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