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[Xen-users] copy the running image, not working

To: xen-users <Xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-users] copy the running image, not working
From: Xin Chen <xcheney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 22:00:32 +1000
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Hi All,

Domain 0 System: Fedora 6, fc6xen. kernel 2.6.18, because 2.6.20 seems not good.
Guest system: Fedora 6 and Window 2000 server.

I was trying to backup the guest system I created.
The guest system is running(windows 2000 server, full-virtual). I copy the image like: cp win2k win2k.bak When it is copied, I change win2k.bak to win2k, and try to start the system using this file, and it stops when starting the windows system. Does that mean we can't copy the image when the system is running, it seems the system will write the image file every minuters.
In this case, what 's the best way to backup the guest images. We don't 
want to shut down the server everytime when we do the backup, right?
Anyone please give me some ideas??

Thanks a lot!


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