Hi folks,
I've got a strange problem.
I just upgraded from Gentoo 2006.0 to 2007.0 for my Dom0. I did not reinstall Xen, nor the Dom0 kernel. And didn't change any Xen configuration files.
My SDL-based DomU running Win-XP no longer works. After xm start, I see the domU in the xm list, but it never accumulates any run time, and the window never pops up.
If I switch to VNC-based instead (by setting sdl=0 in the file), it works fine. I can connect to the Windows session from a VNC viewer, just fine.
Any suggestions? There's nothing obvious in any files in /var/log, although I don't really know what I'm looking for. I'll post a tail of any log file of interest if anyone has suggestions.
My config file, which has not changed since this worked under the older Gentoo Dom0:
import os, re arch = os.uname()[4] if re.search('64', arch): arch_libdir = 'lib64' else:
arch_libdir = 'lib' kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader" builder='hvm' memory = 512 name = "WindowsXP" usb = 1 usbdevice = "tablet" vif = [ 'type=ioemu, mac=00:16:3e:00:00:94, bridge=xenbr0' ]
disk = [ 'phy:/dev/main/win_xp_guest_domain,hda,w', 'phy:/dev/cdrom,hdc:cdrom,r'] device_model = '/usr/' + arch_libdir + '/xen/bin/qemu-dm' boot="c" sdl=1 vnc=0
vncviewer=0 stdvga=0 serial='pty' ne2000=0 audio=1 soundhw='all' localtime=0
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