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Re: [Xen-users] domU access to dom0/ tap device

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] domU access to dom0/ tap device
From: "Dennis Muhlestein" <djmuhlestein@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 20:29:36 -0600
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Some things you might want to check :
- use bridge setup for xen networking. IMHO it's the simplest way.
- use static mac-address for domU (specified in domU config file)
- disable iptables and selinux on dom0 and domU (makes things easier for
first setup. you can turn them on later if you want)
- verify that network connectivity between dom0 and domU works as
expected (ping, ssh, bandwitdh and latency, etc. I like to use netio to
test it.)
- verify that IP forwarding in domU is turned on
- verify that the exact openvpn setup works on real physical machine (to
isolate any openvpn problems)
- try openvpn on domU

Using latest available version of xen might also help. Some of my
servers (DELL) uses a network card which doesn't work with xen 3.0.2 (it
works perfectly on non-xen setup), but works fine on xen >= 3.0.3.
It was the xen version.  I updated from 3.0.2 to 3.0.4 and the problem
went away.  Thanks for the input.

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