Re: [Xen-users] VM Management tools.
You might want to look at mln also. It does all this, and alot of other
very conveniant management things :)
Steve Kemp wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 02:21:55PM +0100, Julian Pawlowski wrote:
>> What we need is something you install on all nodes and where you have a
>> central administration directly over a web browser or a Windows program like
>> the one from XenEnterprise - but in OpenSource of course.
> Funny you should say that .. I've been working on this for the
> past week or two.
> This is the successor to my previous Argo project, named Argos.
> The intention is that it will run exactly as you describe:
> * Each dom0 runs a small agent.
> * There is a central server which contacts each agent and can
> instruct them to do things;
> - list running instances
> - list shutdown instances
> - list all instances, regardless of running/not-running
> - start domU
> - shutdown domU
> The central server also provides an XMLRPC interface that can
> be used to construct a control panel. Right now there is a
> simple (working!) command line shell, but we also have a
> Ruby on Rails web-based control panel in development, and
> there will be GUI application too (probably Ruby + Tk)
> As a quick example the shell allows you to list remote nodes
> and connect to one in particular. Then you can list the
> guests and start/stop them. Here is a capture:
> skx@mine:~/cvs/argos$ ./control/console/console-client.rb
> skx#> nodelist <- List nodes
> mine
> yours
> localhost
> skx#> node mine <- Take control of xen host "mine[.my.flat]"
> skx# [mine]>
> skx# [mine]> list <- list xen guests
> Running:
> nfsclient.my.flat
> builder.my.flat
> cfmaster.my.flat
> Not running:
> steve.my.flat
> skx# [mine]> boot steve.my.flat
> skx# [mine]> exit
> Neat? I think so. Only a few hundred lines of Ruby, although
> there is still work to do getting the web console working, getting
> SSL sorted out etc.
> If you're interested in trying it out:
> http://argos.cvsrepository.org/
> Debian packages are almost there, and mailing me off-list should
> let me help with any problems.
> Once it is actually released for the first time there will be
> webpages on http://xen-tools.org/software/argos/
>> Why isn't there anything for the community? :-(
> Because everybody wants it for free and isn't prepared to write
> it themselves - much like Xen ;)
> Steve
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