Re: [Xen-users] xend: not reconized RHEL5
Kraska, Joe A (US SSA) wrote:
thing is probably just to reinstall with the right install code to
There is an installation code (a serial) one enters into the installer.
Yes, for the *BETA*.
Easiest thing is to reinstall with the correct installation code.
Unnecessary: you can set up a local yum repository with a copy of the
files on the DVD.
This is the sort of thing I've done with local downloads of the RPM's
for a local yum repository, to be able to mix and match non-RedHat RPM's
in a local setting and to eliminate a lot of external traffic from
up2date itself, and to be able to peek into the the RPM's directly on
that server. It's legal as near as I can tell as long as you have RedHat
licenses on all the clients using that central repository.
I've seen and yelled at people using this stunt to distributie packages
to a bunch of "licensed" machines, but unly registering the licenses
when they felt like it, to effectively extend their licenses. I consider
this a violation of RedHat licensing and urge people *not* to do it.
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