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Re: [Xen-users] forcing disk in read only also if mounted

To: "Daniele Palumbo" <daniele@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] forcing disk in read only also if mounted
From: "Henning Sprang" <henning_sprang@xxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 16:36:33 +0100
Cc: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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On 1/15/07, Daniele Palumbo <daniele@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

i am using xen 3.0.4, and i have to setup a disk for all my domUs, that
contains kernel modules.
Seems like a good idea for managing them centrally!

i want a volume, in read only, that does not need to know anything about xen.
i tried "r!" in config file, but it is not a valid flag (BTW, IMHO it should
be, like w!).
I don't understand what the problem is:
"r" (without exclamation mark!) should work in disk parameters for vm
config. It works at least for cdroms, did not try much for normal

So, you can configure something like
'phy:/dev/vm-filesystems/common-kernel-modules-partition,hda1,r' for
all systems, and mount hda1 to /lib/modules.

Please show us your disk config and the error it produces.


i can't use w!, cause i want that volume in read only (and keep safe my

the solutions, by now, is to keep mounted in dom0 in read only that partition,
and remount it to rw when needed (modules upgrade)
but it is not a solutions.

how can i resolve?
i really have to ask for "r!", or there is something like that?


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Henning Sprang -
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