Re: [Xen-users] windows 2003 hvm performance on xen 3.0.3 and xen 3.0.4
On 12/25/06, Digilab <info@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
i'm testing windows 2003 on xen/hvm and today i installed xen 3.0.4.
I used the old image disk of win2003 and it started without problem, i
see then that even if xen 3.0.4 support apci/pae/acpi/smp cpu on
windows, my old installation was for 1 standard pc with no smp/apic support.
So i installed from scratch win 2003 on xen 3.0.4 and at the end i got
2 cpu just putting vcpu=2.
I started to notice (with xentop) that the windows 2003 with smp
enabled, consume much more cpu then the single cpu win 2003 and i notice
also that win2003 installed from scratch on xen 3.0.4 for smp support
had bad persormance.
While win2003 uniprocessor standard pc version is very fast, the newer
smp/2cpu had bad performance.
why? i thinked/hoped to had improve performance from a windows2003
smp/2cpu but isn't so...
Some suggest?
@lessandro Marzini
I have a couple smp enable win2k3 fresh installs on 3.0.4 and using
windows task manager I see very high cpu usage for trival tasks that
require mostly io and not cpu cycles. If I add "Show kernel times"
under view in the task manager the majority of usage is in the kernel
leading me to believe that io is very expensive with qemu drivers.
For example, adding the IIS Role to the server used about 60% cpu
usage with kernel showing about 54%. Simply running the cidaemon
indexer uses about 40% - 50% with kernel running around 40%.
I would prefer to run some perfmon counters and some standard
benchmarks so we can see what the real performance hit is. Any other
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