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Re: [Xen-users] Dom0 network problem

Hello Henning,

Thank you for comments.

On 2006/12/12, at 21:46, Henning Sprang wrote:

If then everything is O.K. then, what is the problem? O.K.
network.dummy is not ideal to get networking for the domu's. I don't
see any other obvious problems...

And: it really *does* work with network-dummy, and *does not* work
with network-bridge?
It is true whether it is a problem or not depends how one recognizes.
For me, it is a problem. If one looks around, there are much more
documents about configuring DomUs under the case other than
network-dummy. (For example, 2006-11/msg00884.html)

If "work" means, communication of Dom0 with external machines,
network-dummy really does work and network-bridge really does
not work under the configuration I explained.

Do you have any firewalling stuff running?
Yes. This is because Debian package xen-hypervisor-3.0.3-1-amd64
needs iproute to be installed and recommends bridge-utils to be
installed. I do not need firewalling capability.

I want to be able to setup with these packages.

I think, you need to restart your machine after changing the
networs-script stuff, because there are some situations where changes
don't apply when just restarting xend. (it's a quite complex change to
the network devices, so a reboot is cleaner when changing something
fundamentalk like this, I think)
For most of the tests, I restarted the machine. I will keep this way.

-- toshinao

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