On Thu, 2006-11-30 at 11:00 +0100, Harald Koenig wrote:
> I doubt it's possible. I had the same problem and found the following comment
> http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-users/2005-12/msg00721.html
> Can you imagine the support headache this would provide? Think of all
> the people coming on IRC and asking and each one being told a different
> answer.
> ...
> I question the benifit of this.
The thread was a much needed laugh :
Newbie: How to I escape from the console
XenGuru: ^], no wait, erm ^. erm, no, hold on which country are you on?
Oh sod it, roll your head on the keyboard while you hold down ctrl.
We have programmers from all over the world working on stuff so it described my
> I myself question this argumentation...
It is configurable, everything in Xen is configurable if you know where
to look for it. Its just not convenient to configure.
> yes!
> not really what you've asked for, but you can easily change the escape char
> for telnet! I'm using CTRL-\ (like good old kermit kermit;) with
> telnet -e "^\\" remotehost
> or as permanent default
> echo 'DEFAULT set escape ^\\' > ~/.telnetrc
I dont think I'll ever use Zmodem via console so ctrl - x should do
nicely. I forgot telnet read a startup file.
> Harald Koenig
Thanks Harald, I may have an un-interrupted evening now :) I wasn't
looking forward to the night shift calling me asking how to get out of
an endless loop.
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