[Xen-users] Re: booting FreeBSD DomU
"LC" == Luke Crawford wrote:
LC> post your xm config file- i think root needs to be 0x03 or something.
"LC" == Luke Crawford wrote:
LC> Okay, to fix that one you need to fix the fstab so the device names
LC> are correct.
Yes, I know.
LC> Are you using Macy's root filesystem? that is perhaps the easiest way
LC> to do it. use his file for /, then use your new vbd as a second disk;
LC> then you can login and verify that things like the fstab are correct
LC> before you boot directly into your vbd.
No, I'm using the filesystem from fresh FreeBSD 6.1 install in qemu.
Worked nicely after /etc/fstab and ttys where changed.
Andrey V Khavryuchenko
Software Development Company http://www.kds.com.ua/
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