Re: [Xen-users] "Xenoppix-x86-64(Xen3.0.2+KNOPPIX-x86_64-5.0.1) CD size"
Excuse me. I forget bittorent URL.
>>From: Kuniyasu Suzaki <k.suzaki@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>Subject: [Xen-users] "Xenoppix-x86-64(Xen3.0.2+KNOPPIX-x86_64-5.0.1) CD
>>size" is released.
>>"Xenoppix-x86-64(Xen3.0.2+KNOPPIX-x86_64-5.0.1) CD size" is released.
>> http://unit.aist.go.jp/itri/knoppix/xen/index-en.html
>>Xenoppix-x86-64 exploits latest CPU (Intel Core2 Duo and AMD Athlon64).
>> * Xenoppix-x86-64 boots both X86 and X86_64 linux kernel on HVM of Xen.
>> * Xenoppix-x86-64 looks like KNOPPIX but all packages are replaced for
>> X86_64.
>> * Xenoppix-x86-64 also works as KNOPPIX-x86_64.
>> * Boot loader is GRUB which supports EFI. It enables boot on Intel MAC.
>> * Linux kernel is 2.6.16 for Domain0 of Xen and 2.6.17 for KNOPPIX-x86_64.
>>There is a figure to run KNOPPIX-x86_64, Quantian(kerenl2.6), and
>>ClusterKNOPPIX(kernel2.4+OpenMosix) on HVM of Xenoppix-x86-64.
>> http://unit.aist.go.jp/itri/knoppix/xen/multi-HVM.JPG
>># Usage
>>4 Boot selections of GRUB.
>> http://unit.aist.go.jp/itri/knoppix/xen/xenoppix64-grub2.jpg
>> * KNOPPIX/Xen3.0.2
>> It is used to run Domain0 of Xen without memory restriction. If you
>> want to run HVM of xen, please use the second menu.
>> * KNOPPIX/Xen3.0.2 (Domain0 memory 512MB)
>> It is used to run HVM on Domain0 of Xen. 512MB memory is assigned to
>> Domain0.
>> * KNOPPIX (normal kernel for HVM Domain, noswap nosmp noapic nolapic)
>>It is used to run KNOPPIX-x86_64 on HVM.
>> * KNOPPIX (normal kernel)
>> It is used to run as normal KNOPPIX-x86_64.
>>To run HVM
>> "knoppixHVM" command runs Xenoppix on HVM or other CD bootable OSes.
>> # knoppixHVM
>> # knoppixHVM [/path/to/isofile] [domain name]
>>To run DomainU
>> "knoppixU" command runs Xenoppix on DomainU. Unfortunately GUI is
>> not supported because Xvnc is supported for X86_64.
>> # knoppixU
>># Performance of KNOPPIX-x86_64
>> We compared Pi calculation on KNOPPIX-x86_64 and KNOPPIX32. The software
>> calculates 3 Million digits of Pi.
>> Download http://h2np.net/pi/pi_quick_start.tar.gz
>> % tar zxf pi_quick_start.tar.gz
>> % cd pi_quick_start
>> % ./start.sh
>> Follow the instruction messages.
>> You can send the result to "http://h2np.net/pi/pi_record_e.html" with
>> "send.sh" command.
>>Results of Pi calculation
>> (Linux 2.6.17) (Linux2.6.17)
>>AMD Opteron 152 4.96 8.38
>>AMD Athlon64x2 4000+ 6.59 11.24
>>AMD Turion64x2 TL-50 8.28 13.95
>>(Acer Aspire 5100)
>>Intel Core2 Duo 6400 8.38 12.31
>>Intel Core2 DuoT7200 10.58 13.31
>>(Intel MAC)
>> For Intel MAC
>> * Please use Intel MAC with Core2 Duo and external video card.
>> * Please add "nofireware" option.
>> * HVM on Intel MAC is unstable. Sometimes Intel MAC reboots suddenly.
>> For Dual Core AMD CPU
>> # Sometimes AMD Dual Core CPU couldn't run HVM. Please boot Domain0 as
>> Single CPU.
>> Please add "nosmp" option.
>># Download
>> ISO file: knoppix-x86_64-v5.0.1CD-20061006-xen3.0.2.iso (MD5:
>> 58de7fbb0deda2645228dfd8dacc0414)
>> Bittorrent file: knoppix-x86_64-v5.0.1CD-20061006-xen3.0.2.iso.torrent
>> HTTP:
>> http://ring.riken.jp/archives/linux/knoppix/iso/knoppix-x86_64-v5.0.1CD-20061006-xen3.0.2.iso
>> FTP:
>> ftp://ring.riken.jp/archives/linux/knoppix/iso/knoppix-x86_64-v5.0.1CD-20061006-xen3.0.2.iso
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