Re: [Xen-users] Xen + Windows + Intel VT-x stability
James Oakley <joakley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Friday 29 September 2006 6:07 pm, Terje J. Hanssen wrote:
>>> Yes, I just started out with 10.2 alpha4, because it was recommended
>>> better with regards to test Xen. But I ran into serious issues with the
>>> 10.2 alpha4 itself, first the chaotic USB mouse bug making the
>>> installation difficult with the keyboard only. Afterwards, the mouse
>>> problem was possile to fix on i386 using a suggested work-around, but it
>>> didn't help on my x86_64 Xeon machine. I even re-installed 10.2a4 with a
>>> PS/2 mouse instead, but the Gnome panel and Nautilus crashed the whole
>>> time after login. Neither any "other application" would launch from the
>>> Gnome menu, although 10.2a4 worked better using KDE. All in all I found
>>> 10.2 alpha4 quite unusable to go further with yet. Therefore I've
>>> decided to wait on the first 10.2 beta and in the meantime go back to
>>> 10.1 again.
> Yeah, GNOME is a major upgrade for 10.2. I use KDE, which works better.
> I had trouble with HVM on 10.1. I filed reports at Novell's bugzilla, but I
> don't think the specific issues I had were fixed for that version. 10.2alpha4
> uses Xen unstable, which is actually very stable.
> Alpha5 will be released on October 5, so you could try that, or you could do
> what I did on one of my servers: Install 10.1 and install the kernel-* and
> xen-* packages from factory.
> You can get the factory packages from
> ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/opensuse/distribution/SL-OSS-factory/inst-source/suse
Yes, I'll look at also the upcoming 10.2 alpha5 which I forgot. What I
really had hoped, was that there should be available suggestions which
packages to download and upgrade from the SL-OSS-factory to fix the most
serious bugs discovered on released 10.2 alpha (and next beta) iso's.
Terje J. Hanssen
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