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[Xen-users] Patching the kernel

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] Patching the kernel
From: Jaume Sabater <jsabater@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 09:47:59 +0200
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Hello everyone.

I am working on Debian Sid AMD64. I downloaded and uncompressed the unstable version of Xen, took the patches inside xen-unstable/patches/linux- and tried to apply all of them to a pristine Linux kernel Two problems I found:
1. The patch "x86-elfnote-as-preprocessor-macro.patch" produced this error:

The text leading up to this was:
|diff -pruN ../orig-linux- ./include/linux/elfnote.h |--- ../orig-linux- 2006-09-19 14:06:10.000000000 +0100
|+++ ./include/linux/elfnote.h  2006-09-19 14:06:20.000000000 +0100
File to patch:

So, I skipped the patch. Then I tried to "make menuconfig" in the kernel, but I could not find the expected option "Enable Xen compatible kernel" under "Processor type and features". The "Xen" group of options was not present either.
What I am trying to do is to test the upcoming new stable release on a 
pristine kernel on my Debian, with my custom configuration (I don't use 
any modules in the kernel, for instance). I want to compile the kernel 
using the Debian's kernel-package tools thus producing a .deb package.
Could someone please tell me what I am missing or point me to some docs 
or scripts where I could find out the right way to patch the kernel?
Thanks in advance.

P.S. So far, I compiled xen-unstable (I let the scripts do their work). Once it ended, I used the linux- directory that was created and copied my .config there. Then make-kpkg clean && make-kpkg kernel-image and I got what I wanted, but I'd really like to know how it works.
Jaume Sabater

"Ubi sapientas ibi libertas"

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