Re: [Xen-users] Proposal for a xen-users(/devel?) netiquette
On 9/20/06, Geoff Streeter <geoff@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
At 2006-09-19 20:21 +0200, Henning Sprang wrote:
>1) don't add legal privacy disclaimers to your mails - they tend to
>have more than 10 lines, and they aren't useful at all to solve
>technical problems with xen (and, by the way, also don't help to keep
>any business secret!)
When sending email from company addresses, lots of people have no control
over these. They are added by the company SMTP server.
Yeah, but if we all just accept that some brainless legal-frighened
suits make us annoy each other with these useless disclaimers that is
no solution.
At least it shoule be stated that a list doesn't want these
disclaimers, and everybody posting to the list should try to get rid
of them or be less loved than the others. Everybody can use any
freemailer - even their ads are not half as long as these disclaimers.
And if http should be blocked (unlikely that these people find the
mailing list), at least all these people should annoy their bosses to
stop with this. it is not only filling lists, but the whole net.
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