Hi all
I’m quite new to Xen but haven’t found
anything specific to my problem in the net.
I have a SLES10 running as Dom0 and instelled a
SLES10 in my first vm via ISO files.
Networking on Dom0 works fine, but not in the vm.
During the installation process, while configuring
the network card, Yast told me, that there is no driver/module for that card
(but it was shown), but “maybe” it’s build into the kernel.
So, I’ve gone ahead and configured the eth0.
After the installation, I can see eth0 with the
configured IP Address via ifconfig, I can ping myself (not using localhost or, but I can’t get out to any other host, nor pinging the vm
from a different host, even not from dom0
Is there anything I’m missing?
Thanks a lot in advance