Hello Mr. Sandhu,
It has been a while since we chatted.
>On Mon, 2006-24-07 at 10:49 -0700, Brian wrote:
>> Big question:
>> How do I make 2.4.27 kernel with my patches Xenified for domu use in
>> xen-unstable-install-x86_x?
>No idea: that is, I don't know the specifics. Stuff here and at
>clients' is all running RHEL 4/CentOS 4, so I haven't had to deal with
>2.4 kernels.
I'd like to say the same about our use of kernel versions, but we are still
weeding out the hardened, customized, 2.4 kernels used here.
>> tree? Can I drop my current 2.4.27 sources into the Xen tree, then
>> compile and smile?
>Judging from your post, I'm assuming there's a lot of patching in your
>customized kernel. I foresee breakage.
Yes, its heavily customized and I'm trying to get it
standardized/simplified/upgraded. A lot of the patching was done to overcome
missing features in 2.4, but 2.6 has (almost) everything needed for our
application now.
>Your best bet is to forgo trying to patch your kernel and move to full
>virtualization under xen. Besides, sticking with xen 2.0.blah is asking
>for trouble - too much good stuff in the 3.0 release.
Yes, it looks like Xen 3.0 and the 2.6 kernel update are the next stop. We've
been planning an update to 2.6 anyways, but this will force the work to the
forefront. As in today.
>Good luck,
Thanks. It's going to be a long day (there's still 25 hours in a day, right?)
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