Hi all,
I'm new to Xen and I've just spent two days trying to install it. My
goal is to run Kubuntu on a laptop, with the ability to fire up Windows
when I need some non-ported proprietary application, and occasionally
boot windows natively to have ACPI or for some high performance windows
It seems that in order to launch Windows within Xen, I have to create a
virtual disk, or disk image file. Is it right ?
If yes, does it mean that I won't be able to run Windows natively ? Or
I'll have to have two copies of Windows, one in the disk image, one in
it's own partition. Not very handy (disk space, double configuration),
besides possible license issues.
If no (that is, if I should be able to launch Windows within Xen from it
current physical partition) could you please help me find what's wrong ?
I have a D820 with Intel Core duo T2300 (and not T2300E which doesn't
have VT-x), I've enabled VT in the setup. I checked that root can
connect to X server (typed xterm as root).
I untarred xen-3.0.2-src.tgz and ran make world; make install (I first
tried binary install, same problem),
edited /boot/grub/menu.lst; mv /lib/tls /lib/tls.disabled; echo "" >
/var/log/xend.log; reboot;
mkdir /var/run/xenstored
xend start
# xm create windows
Using config file "/etc/xen/windows".
Started domain windows
# xm list
Name ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State Time(s)
Domain-0 0 1024 2 r----- 40.4
windows 1 512 1 -b---- 0.0
I put the relevant files here (looks like this kind of attachment is
refused by symantec):
please tell me if I should provide more
information. If trying to use a disk image file could help find the
problem (and then hopefully boot from physical partition), tell me and
I'll try that.
Thanks for any help,
Jean-Baptiste Rouquier
PS : I'm not on the list, please add a copy to me when replying.
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