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Re: [Xen-users] Traffic Counting / port analysis using Xen 3.0.2?

I think you can setup bridges in any config you want,
so I'm pretty sure you can accomplish what you're trying to do.
you should be able to setup a bridge with most of the domus on it
and one gateway domu, with an interface on the main bridge,
and another interface on a front bridge with the real eth0.
then it could setup it's own bridge between the two, and
it would then be in a position to do bridge based
firewalling or accounting.

I found this page helpful:


And then this page, which shows how the shorwall guy setup a slightly more complex Xen network:

hope that helps.


On May 21, 2006, at 1:14 PM, bigfoot29@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:


My first post here, so sorry if this question has been asked a hundred
times already. I searched the web for quite some time, but I wasn't able
to find a solution based on the howto's out there...

In Xen 2.0.7 it was easy to do very detailed traffic counting using
mechanisms like tcpdump and such because the system acted like a hub. Now
with 3.0 it got more secure - the bridge acts like a switch. Of course,
that is preferrable, but how can I do a detailed traffic statistics of
different servers I have no access to (owned by other ppl)?

Can/must this be done in the Xen0-domain? Is there an more "elegant" way (security wise) to fire up an own virtual machine handling this and acting
as a bridge itself?
I am not very comfortable with iptables, so messing around with that would create more security holes than fix things for me. - What means, that you
shouldn't expect an iptables-hero here :).

Are there any tuts out there handling deeper nested networks using Xen3?

|  |-vm4
|  |-vm5

where vm3 is acting like a bridge but has the ability to filter/count
passing traffic to vm4 and 5. 4 and 5 have no "direct" connection to dom0
- only by passing the bridge at vm3.

Any help is appreciated :D
Thanks in Advance!

Regards, Bigfoot29.

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