Re: [Xen-users] iSCSI-LUN as VBD
Martin Heller wrote:
> Peter Simon wrote:
> > at the list I read the that some guys have this setup working:
> > Access though iSCSI in dom0 to the target, starting domU directly form
> > iSCSI-LUN as vbd.
> We got xen-2.0.7 with Debian Sarge 2.6.11 and core-iscsi as
> initator and iscsi-tools 3.3.
Thanks for this hint.
I've tested core-iscsi and it works pretty well with xen-3.0.2, SLES9,
Kernel 2.6.16 and our NetApp-Box :-)
Now I'm asking me, if their is something in core-iscsi to do persistent
LUN mapping, like this /dev/disk/by-id/...-thing in open-iscsi?
Schöne Grüße aus München ;-)
Leibniz Computing Centre Peter Simon
High Performance Systems http://www.lrz.de
Boltzmannstrasse 1 phone: +49 89 35831 8723
D-85748 Garching/Munich fax: +49 89 35831 9700
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