Re: [Xen-users] FIX: was Re: "Exception starting xend ((2, 'No such file
Dick Davies wrote:
> Looks like Ubuntu Dapper clears out /var/run on reboot, so
> I needed to add:
> mkdir -p /var/run/xenstored
> to the top of the initscript to ensure dom0 comes up.
Yesterday I had the same problem as you ;-)
> IMO it's usual to assume /var/run is transient, so it might be
> an idea for xenstored to ensure it's created before trying to use it.
Yes, that would be a good idea. This problem appeared here with
the directory /var/run/xend, too. This directory should also be
created by start of xend, e.g. the init script or xend itself.
> On 11/05/06, Dick Davies <rasputnik@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> [...]
>> xend ((2, 'No such file or directory'))
Why do the xen tools (like xm) display such boring error messages, e.g.
omitting the name of the file? Yesterday I searched a lot of time with
strace to find the reason why my domU did not start...
Each poor Unix/Linux tool displays missing file names using perror(3),
why not xm?
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