RE: [Xen-users] XenAccess Library: Introspection for Xen
Would XenAccess implementation and functionality be the same for both
paravirtualized and fully virtualized (using VT) guests?
I imagine that the changes for VT guests would range somewhere from
none to minimal. However, I haven't actually used XenAccess on VT
hardware yet, so I can't say for sure. If you try it out, please let
me know what you find.
Would the only difference between introspection on a Linux vs
Windows guest
be the closed and undocumented nature of the Windows kernel?
Pretty much. The nice thing is that memory access is more hardware
dependent than OS dependent. Therefore, you should be able to access
virtual addresses on windows just like you can on linux. The trick
is knowing which address to access :-) On linux you can leverage the
source code, system map file, etc to see how things are laid out in
memory. On windows, it's going to be a little tricker to figure out
which addresses to access.
I'm more knowledgeable with linux than I am with windows. So perhaps
there's some information out there that I'm not aware of that would
help with this situation. But, even without extra information, one
should be able to discern quite a bit of information through reverse
engineering techniques.
How difficult would it be to get a look at a running guest's file
Linux seems easy, but I believe Windows guests use vmx images; can the
Windows file system be viewed naturally from the outside?
Having not used VT hardware, I'm not familiar with the vmx image
files. But, assuming that the format is well known, you should be
able to access its contents from dom0. Another option is to tap the
device access between the frontend and backend drivers, which would
allow you to view data as it is being accessed.
Are there any other potential obstacles or difficulties that would
various introspection techniques on Windows impossible, difficult,
or merely
a nuisance?
I believe that introspection with Windows should be very doable. In
fact, if you look at the XenAccess source code, you'll see that I've
already started breaking out OS-specific code. My plan is to work on
support for other OSes once linux is up and running. Of course, if
you have any success with windows first, I'd be happy to integrate
the code into subversion.
If you have other questions, feel free to drop me a line and/or post
to the XenAccess mailing list.
Bryan D. Payne
Graduate Student, Computer Science
Georgia Tech Information Security Center
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