[Xen-users] Re: a performance question
> I have a performance question. For example.
> vi /etc/hosts (or any other file)
> will take about five seconds to open the first time I use 'vi', but
> after that it opens files as fast as expected.
after reading the xen3 user manual again, it is suggested that high
I/O apps on a file image may not work too well.
I don't really consider opening a file with vi to be very disk
intensive, but I've moved the domu installation off the img file onto
a lvm disk just to see.
- No real improvement.
So I threw more ram at both dom0 and domU.
Now I'm wating 3 seconds instead of 5.
What sort of reults should I be expecting?
I'm using a AMD XP 2000+ cpu @ 1658 MHz and 256KB cache
I've got a total of 512MB of ram
The disk is IDE.
On 1/19/06, Chris Fanning <christopher.fanning@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello all,
> First of all I'd like to thank everyone for making Xen so user
> friendly. I thought I'd be sweating through this but it's been pretty
> straight forward (thanks to all the different tutorials on the net).
> I've got a domU that I created with
> dd if=/dev/zero of=vm_base.img bs=1024k count=4000
> mkfs.ext3 vm_base.img
> dd if=/dev/zero of=vm_base-swap.img bs=1024k count=1000
> mkswap vm_base-swap.img
> mount -o loop vm_base.img /mnt
> debootstrap etch /mnt
> this has worked fine and I'm happily continuing with the installation
> But.
> I have a performance question. For example.
> vi /etc/hosts (or any other file)
> will take about five seconds to open the first time I use 'vi', but
> after that it opens files as fast as expected.
> This seems to repeat itself with other programmes.
> kdm_greet takes way too long the first time, but from then on it starts up ok.
> Can anyone explain this to me?
> Thank you
> Chris.
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