RE: [Xen-users] Xen and LVM
> I download the latest 3.0 testing or unstable and I can only
> run one at
> a time, I start one it runs, I go to start any other one ( in
> any random
> order even ) and I can't, get errors about my lvm already in use by
> another guest.
> I have 4 seperate lvm ext3 partions and 4 seperate lvm swap partions.
> I back down to my saved nov 16 version and all 4 domU servers can be
> started up once again.
I suspect you just need to make sure you've deleted all traces of your
Nov 16 version before installing 3.0. If you build from src use 'make
uninstall', otherwise the following will probably work:
mv /etc/xen /etc/xen.old
rm -rf /usr/lib/python/xen /usr/lib/python*/site-packages/xen
If it still doesn't work, please give details of your dom0 root
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