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Re: [Xen-users] Run a virtual machine in a dual boot system

To: "dclemen@xxxxxxxxxxx" <dclemen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] Run a virtual machine in a dual boot system
From: "Eric S. Johansson" <esj@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 09:28:33 -0400
Cc: "xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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dclemen@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi, I have a system with Debian and WXP. I like debian, but sometimes I need to run wxp (work issues), and I have to stop debian, reboot and select wxp in grub to start it.
I will like to get wxp on a "virtual machine" over my debian. I don't 
want a 100% virtual wxp, because, I maybe need to reboot and start only 
with wxp.
Is this posible with Xen?. I read some problems with windows licences, 
but in this case, I have my own windows licences installed, so i think 
this is not a problem.
as others have answered, with xen alone, this is not possible.  Your 
best option is vmware.
But!! if you want to be a guinea pig and lose a lot more hair, try 
running XP in qemu+kqemu accelerator as part of your normal Linux 
environment.  It should give you the end results you desire (running 
both at the same time) at a cost of some performance penalty.  If you 
believe the advertising, when you run the accelerator you only get a 
1.5x to 2x performance degradation for the emulated environment.
You don't get the fun of playing with xen and xp but, you may just be 
able to get your job done and not spend all of your time screwing around 
the system which is a laudable goal in my book.  on the other hand, 
there are times when I do enjoy screwing around with the system.  This 
is usually on a cold, cloudy Saturday afternoon in wintertime when I can 
sit in the basement, surrounded by machines, warming my hands on the air 
coming out of the power supply.  This is when I find myself thinking 
life doesn't get any better than this... dammit.
--- eric

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