Hi all
I checked out the hg of today, compiled it and tried it on my box
(relion 320, 6 hdd).
my /boot is on /dev/hda1, / is on /dev/hdc1.
The rest is LVM on software-raid5 (/usr, /var, etc...)
Xen boots ok, but fails as soon as it is trying to mount the partition
on the raid5, and drops me to a maintenance mode.
At first, the dm stuff was built into the kernel (default config of
xen0). Wouldn't load the lvm-on-raid partitions. I tried to recompile
the raid and lvm stuff as modules. Still no-go. It drops me into
maintenance mode both ways. I get something like 'cannot determine md
version: 6.' when i try to manually start the raid from command line.
The dm_mod was loaded, however.
if I ls /dev/vgdata/<partition_name>, they show up, but I cannot mount
them, obviously.
dmesg doesn't have the whole start-up messages.. is there a way i can
capture the startup messages, with a grub option for example, to
output to a file? (i dont have a serial cable..)
I am still very new to xen...
Thanks for any pointers, and logic to debug this problem.
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