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Re: [Xen-users] porting vmware's vmdk to domU

To: Ernst Bachmann <e.bachmann@xxxxxxxx>, uebelacker@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] porting vmware's vmdk to domU
From: Sharath Babu <sharathx@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2005 04:10:49 +0530
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I have never seen vmware-mount.pl or vmware-loop working properly, Everytime you try to mount, you would get "Unable to invoke vmware-loop", this seems to support older version(version 2) of vmdk files and not the newer ones.
if you try to use vmware-loop(vmdk to NBD mapper) directly, it might give you "Unable to open the vmdk file" or something....
But give it a try,

I believe qemu-img works better in this case and much more easier to use.
#qemu-img convert -f vmdk /path/filename.vmdk -O raw /path/filename.raw

# fdisk -l /path/filename.raw
will give you the list of partitions...... showing that the conversion was good.

Make sure to peel off the required partition from this image to a new image, because you cannot mount a disk, you can only mount a partition.
supports vmware 3 and 4 images


On 10/1/05, Ernst Bachmann <e.bachmann@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Friday 30 September 2005 18:57, Aaron // LT wrote:
> Lately I have been creating xen domU images using vmware.  But what i
> usually do is do a basic install in vmware, then do something like:
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/osname bs=1024k count=size_megabytes
> mkfs.ext3 /osname
> mount -o loop /osnname /mnt
> cp -ax /mnt/{root,dev,var,etc,usr,bin,sbin,lib} /mnt
> mkdir /mnt/{proc,sys,home,tmp}
> chmod 777 /mnt/tmp

A bit offtopic, but I hope you don't create your /tmp dir that way on a
multiuser system, it is missing the sticky / "tempdir" flag.

chmod 1777 /mnt/tmp

would be better.

For the original question:

There's a tool to loopback-mount the vmware images into the host os, have a
look at:


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