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[Xen-users] GRUB configuration on Debian xen.deb istallations

To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-users] GRUB configuration on Debian xen.deb istallations
From: Michele Menciassi <michele@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 15:18:44 +0200
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I'm trying to install XEN on Debian Sarge...
i see that debian have a XEN pakage.... if i'm going to install xen.deb it install all pakages needed (twisted/python ecc)...
istallation is finished succesfully....
now i think i must modify GRUB configuration to run XEN

i see into users' manual - 2.4.1 GRUB  Configuration

it propose that example

title xen 2.0/XenLinux 2.6
kenel /boot/xen-2.0.gz dom0_mem=131072
module /boot/vmlinuz-2.6-xen0 root=/dev/sda4 ro console=tty0

after istallation i found into /boot dir the file xen.gz (and symbolic link as xen-2.0.gz etc.) but i haven't found a file as vmlinuz-xen or similar... i have only the original vmlinuz and initrd file
How i must configue Grub to start XEN?
i made something wrong in configuration step?



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