Re: [Xen-users] Can't poweroff my pc after install xen domain0 kernel
On Monday 08 August 2005 10:45, lepton wrote:
> Hi!
> I have tried xen, it is a great software.
> But I found I can't poweroff my linux pc when I am using xen
> domain0 Kernel.
> With a normal kernel build with ACPI, I can power off my pc.
> With a xen domain0 kernel, I can't power off it.
> Is this a special issue when I am using xen?
> I am using xen stable 2.0.7. My linux distribition is Debian
> sarge
To quote a mail from Mark on the same subject:
On Tuesday 02 August 2005 15:38, Mark Williamson wrote:
> APM / ACPI poweroff aren't supported under Xen 2.0, however it should work
> under 3.0 with its enhanced ACPI support (it might even work now with
> -unstable but that's not really production ready yet).
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