On Thursday 14 July 2005 04:23, Ardalan K wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> I am amazed how you have LVM support. Because
> linux-2.6.11-xen0's configuration does n't have any
> module for LVM.
Whats problematic about LVM? just enable it, compile a new xen0 kernel, done.
> None of the modules in xen0's config
> (all those you named in your earlier email) has
> anything to do with LVM.
with 2.6 kernels, LVM is implemented atop the device mapper kernel modules.
So you need the device mapper (DM) kernel modules, and the LVM2 userspace
> I think LVM module is called
> lvm-mod. Could you or anyone verify for me that you
> have this module in your xen0 kernel? I guess this is
> the kernel I should look into for LVM support.
Yes, usually you put LVM into dom0 kernel, and then are free to export lvm LVs
as virtual harddisks to the domU guests.
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