On Thursday 30 June 2005 13:02, Sami Okasha wrote:
> Hello,
> what do i have to do to make eth1 and eth2 from dom0 visible (bridged like
> eth0) for my other domains?
> It would be nice, if someone has already scripts for that.
> I am not shure which scripts i have to modify. Is it sufficient to start
> the /etc/xen/scripts/network 3 times, every time with the next interface?
> What about the vifs? And btw. what are the vifs for?
I'm using only one nic in my setup, but had to use a different approach for
the bridges, which will probably work nice for you, too.
I didn't let the xen scripts handle bridge creation, but used my Xen0 OSes
init scripts for bridectl for it (gentoo comes with premade scripts there,
probably other linux flavors, too.)
I had it setup a "br0" bridge, on eth0, should be trivial to have it generate
br1 for eth1 and so on.
Then I had my xendomains configured to use that bridge instead, like:
vif = [ 'mac=de:ad:be:ef:00:00, bridge=br0' ]
in your case,
vif = [ 'mac=de:ad:be:ef:00:00, bridge=br0',
'mac=00:de:ad:be:ef:00, bridge=br1'
(with "nics=2" set)
should do the trick.
I don't remember if I had to patch the xen startup scripts to prevent creation
of 'xen-br0', maybe you'll need to do that...
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