Re: [Xen-users] Confusion about Kernel in Installation process
So wrote Mark Williamson on Monday, 16 May 2005:
> The build process produces three images used to boot Xen domains:
> * xen.gz - Xen itself. You need to boot this in your grub.conf / menu.lst
> * vmlinuz-2.6.11-xen0 - a "domain 0" (host) enabled kernel. You need to pass
> this to Xen in your grub.conf / menu.lst
> * vmlinuz-2.6.11-xenU - a guest-only kernel. You can boot guest domains from
> this instead of using the -xen0 kernel. The only difference is it's slightly
> smaller because it includes only "virtual" drivers.
# find ./ -name vmlinuz-2.6.11-xenU* comes up empty. Although the
domain 0 kernel was built I cannot find anything that looks like a Linux
kernel image under the linux-2.6.11-xen-sparse tree. Could it be that my
build failed?
> > My question is: Why should the user not just patch the kernel with
> > whatever required patches there are and then compile the kernel himself?
> > The make script seems to be nice but unfortunately I have no idea what
> > it is actually doing. For example, are there specific options in the
> > Linux kernel which need to be disabled or enabled for the Xen kernels?
> > Why not just instruct the user to patch the kernel with the appropriate
> > patches and to dis(en)able whatever options are necessary?
> You can cd linux-2.6.11-xen0 and do "make ARCH=xen menuconfig" to configure.
> You may want to copy your existing .config into that directory first.
> Alternatively, stick your config under "dist/install/boot/config-2.6.11-xen0"
> and it should get applied automatically.
Here are the default values for Xen in the kernel config for domain 0:
[ ] Privileged Guest (domain 0) (NEW)
[ ] Physical device access (NEW)
[*] Grant table substrate for block drivers (NEW)
[*] Block-device frontend driver (NEW)
[*] Network-device frontend driver (NEW)
[ ] Pipelined transmitter (DANGEROUS) (NEW)
[ ] Block device tap driver (NEW)
[ ] Fake shadow mode (NEW)
[*] Scrub memory before freeing it to Xen (NEW)
Processor Type (X86) --->
For the kernel for domain 0 I would want to select "Privileged Guest"
and "Physical device access" (automatically selected when "Privileged
Guest" is selected)? For the kernels for virtual domains should these
two options not be selected?
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