Re: [Xen-tools] Intergation of Web Services in the Xen tools
I wanted to mention that the virtual workspaces project (Apache licensed) also
provides a web services interface to either one Xen node or a pool of Xen
nodes (Axis and WSDL2Java are also used for the web services portion).
It takes a more managed approach than a direct line to the hypervisor (fine
grain authorization, file staging, and scheduling/resource mgmt in a per-site
context), but you can disable these things if desired.
On Wed, 13 Sep 2006 11:35:23 +0200
"edoardo81@xxxxxxxxx" <edoardo81@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently worked on the Xen tools. My goal was to implement a web services
> interface in a symilar manner to the existing XML-RPC interface. I was able
> to export all the management function as web services in order to administer
> my Xen nodes remotely. I wrote a WSDL file for all the method exported and I
> published it in the Xend integrated HTTP server. I managed to connect to Xen
> enabled machines from clients written with Axis/Jax-Rpc and SOAPpy (the
> latter I used to implement the SOAP server). The automatic generation of the
> Java Stub and SEI interface with WSDL2Java works very well and is very
> straightforward to write simple clients (I also wrote a more complex client
> using java swing by which I could control a network of Xen enabled machines).
> I released a patch which works on the current release of Xen (3.0.2) but
> still applies on the previous version (3.0 unstable).
> Edoardo Di Matteo
> Second University of Naples.
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