Re: [Xen-tools] about XenMon
wu_yang1998 wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have just downloaded Xen-3.0.2 from website and install it on my
> Fedora 4 Linux system. The system can boot ok. Now I want to use
> Xenmon to monitor my system. I use tools/xenmon. When I start
> xenmon.py, it reports "Failure to get trace buffer pointer from Xen
> (22=invalid argument)". I check xenbaked.c source file and find that
> tb_controls fail. I do not know how to do, if I have to update xen or
> the Xenmon is not complete? If someone knows, please help me!
The first thing you should do after a reboot is to run the "set_size"
command which allocated the trace buffers. The default size is 20 pages
(ie, "set_size 20") but you can specify other allocations. Note that
once allocated, you cannot change the allocation except by rebooting.
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