[XenPPC] Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0/6][TOOLS][XM-TEST] Update xm-test to s
On Fri, Sep 29, 2006 at 08:56:54PM +1100, Tony Breeds wrote:
> Hi All,
> These patches update the xm-test code to be more easily portable
> to new architecture. This focus od this endevour is PPC but I believe
> that IA64 also benifits.
By way of a quick status report.
With all thee patches applied to tip (7de08aceff6d) I ran:
I build xm-test:
cd xen.hg/tools/xm-test
INITRD="http://ozlabs.au.ibm.com/~tony/xm-test/" make existing
I created a grouptest/xenppc file which contains most[1] of the
potential tests and pushed the whole xm-test dir (yes it's wasteful but
it's also easy) to my JS20 blade. Then:
./runtest.sh -d -e tony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -g xenppc xenppc
creates the following report.
Xm-test execution summary:
PASS: 48
FAIL: 17
FAIL: 01_block_attach_device_pos
block-attach failed device did not switch to Connected state
FAIL: 02_block_attach_file_device_pos
block-attach failed device did not switch to Connected state
FAIL: 04_block_attach_device_repeatedly_pos
Device is not actually attached to domU
FAIL: 05_block_attach_and_dettach_device_repeatedly_pos
block-attach failed device did not switch to Connected state
FAIL: 09_block_attach_and_dettach_device_check_data_pos
block-attach failed device did not switch to Connected state
FAIL: 01_block-destroy_btblock_pos
block device isn't attached; can't detach!
FAIL: 02_block-destroy_rtblock_pos
block-attach failed device did not switch to Connected state
FAIL: 05_block-destroy_byname_pos
block device isn't attached; can't detach!
FAIL: 06_block-destroy_check_list_pos
block-attach failed device did not switch to Connected state
FAIL: 01_block_device_read_verify
block-attach failed device did not switch to Connected state
FAIL: 02_block_device_write_verify
block-attach failed device did not switch to Connected state
FAIL: 01_block-list_pos
Failed to verify that block dev is attached on DomainU
FAIL: 02_block-list_attachbd_pos
block-attach failed device did not switch to Connected state
FAIL: 03_block-list_anotherbd_pos
Failed to verify that block dev is attached on DomainU
FAIL: 06_block-list_checkremove_pos
block-attach failed device did not switch to Connected state
FAIL: 01_memset_basic_pos
Invalid domU meminfo line
FAIL: 03_memset_random_pos
Invalid domU meminfo line
You'd certainly expect the block-* tests to fail. I don't know why the
memset tests failed but I'll find out next week when I'm back at work.
[1] I omitted create/destroy, save/restore, network* and the scheduler
tests becuase I know some of them crash the machine, attached is the
xenppc file I used.
Yours Tony
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