[Xen-ia64-devel] Re: GFW and startup
Quoting Isaku Yamahata <yamahata@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi.
> I have a question about GFW startup procedure.
> Although I don't fully understand tianocore liking mechanism,
> efi-vfirmware.hg/edk2-sparse/EdkXenPkg/SecMain/Ipf/startup.s
> is compiled into startup.bin and is symbolic linked as ResetVect.cat.
> Finally it is placed in ROM area and _start is executed in place.
> Is the above correct?
Yes, this is correct.
> If so, Is using [_stack_start, _stack_end) as stack correct?
Why not! The ROM area is in RAM.
We of course need a stack to execute C code. On iron-board, we could use
CAR (Cache As Ram). But this is not possible with Xen.
However, the ROM area is not write-only. So we could use it.
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