[Xen-ia64-devel] RE: [Xen-ia64][GFW PATCH]VGA high color fix
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tristan Gingold [mailto:tgingold@xxxxxxx]
>Sent: 2007?12?12? 9:24
>To: Zhang, Xing Z
>Cc: tgingold@xxxxxxx; xen-ia64-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [Xen-ia64][GFW PATCH]VGA high color fix
>I have just commited and pushed your patch.
Thanks, I will go on looking for a clean up way for CopyMem()
>I'd really prefer to have the vga bios loaded like xen/x86, ie
>by qemu
>(or by the hvm loader). This will save a lot of space and avoid
Yes, it's a natural way. Why VgaBios didn't load by QEMU at IA64 side, we need
more investigation.
>I also think the ivt could be clean up. It seems vgabios only
>set a few
>entries (2 ?).
Sure. I will clean up other unused IDT entry with dummy function.
>For the future, if the vgabios is loaded by qemu/hvm loader we
>could try
>to initialize the vga by running the vgabios. We of course need
>an x86
>emulator and we could use x86emu (either the one from xfree86
>or the one
>of milo - the linux alpha loader).
I have little experience on the emulator you mentioned. Do you mean current
code in VgaInit.c is duplication of VgaBios? If we add a x86 emulator, it may
introduce more code in FW?
>Thoughts ?
>Thank you for this work,
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